Wednesday, January 23, 2013

EOC Week 3 Making Money For Good

Humanities is started by the actor Paul Newman, I don’t know if many of you have heard of him but he was pretty famous back in the day.  Newman’s Own Foundation is an independent, private foundation formed in 2005 by Paul Newman to sustain the legacy of his philanthropic work. Funded entirely through the profits and royalties of Newman’s Own products, the Foundation does not maintain an endowment, raise funds, or accept donations. The Foundation believes that each of us, through the power of philanthropy, has the potential to make a difference.  We support nonprofit organizations committed to having a direct, long-lasting impact on the challenges they take on. Since 1982, when Paul Newman first declared, “Let’s give it all away,” more than $370 million has been donated to thousands of organizations helping people in need around the world. (  This is the exact quote from the website about what they do.  However there is a man named Jude Wallenbrock who instead of creating a wine company just to sell wine he has started a company that gives to charity.  Now he isn’t associated with Newman foods but he used them as a big influence in how to get his business started.  The winery has one unsalaried employee (Wallenbrock) and no assets save a few wine barrels. The only overhead is a cell phone. Wallenbrock has chosen three charitable causes: homelessness, hunger and literacy. After studying which charities work best in these areas, he has decided to donate to Habitat for Humanity, America's Second Harvest and Reading Is Fundamental, all philanthropic organizations with a national or international reach. (  He actually does work for a wine company too but he hopes to one day move away from that and focus solely on Humanitites.  Their goal still first and foremost is a wine company though and they want to make good wines.  But Humanitas is first and foremost about the wines.  We are wine people -- pure & simple.  Our goal is to make outstanding wines and sell them affordably.  And we also want to 'do something good' for the world.  We married these two passions and Humanitas was born. (

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