Monday, February 4, 2013

EOC Week 4

If I was to create an app, oh man I hate to say it but their aren't too many new good original ideas out there.  It would have to be an app that searched songwriters up no matter what song you wanted to check.  I would have a data base that not only showed the performer but also the person or people who wrote the song itself.  I know a lot of famous performers don't write their own songs, it's usually a group of people working together, especially nowadays.  I like to take pride in the fact I perform every instrument in everyone of my songs and have had no help from anyone else at all.  Songwriters I feel do not get enough credit for the beautiful things they create and too much credit goes to the person singing or playing it.  One day I do hope to be a professional songwriter, because I do feel like that's the hardest thing in the world to do and I'd like to think that I'm pretty damn good at it.  If you to my sound cloud: you can see all the stuff I've come up with, yeah you don't have to tell me it's good I already know.  So in searching I can't seem to find another app like this, there are ones that tell you about the performer but not all the song credits.  So maybe if I had the resources to develop it I would love too although I don't know how I could make any money off of it because I wouldn't want to charge people to download it.

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