Wednesday, February 13, 2013

EOC Week 6: Me X 3

The first thing that defines me would definitely have to be my guitar.  It's a John Mayer signature series Fender Strata-caster  the one you think of when you think of fender guitars.  It's easy to explain why because music is my life and this guitar is my weapon of choice to make the music that I love.  I love the Strats because they are light weight and I love the twangy kind of sound that you get out of this particular guitar.  Also anyone who knows me knows John Mayer is pretty much my Idol, heck people here at school gave me the nickname John Mayer.  It's my favorite possession and one that I use more than any other thing that I own.

The next is definitely my car, it's a Blue Subaru WRX.  Since they first came out in 2002 I have wanted one, and i finally got one two years ago.  I call her Smurffette because she is blue.  One of the reasons I got it is because of the color, blue is my favorite color especially that shade of blue because it's a bit darker pretty much the color of the Smurfs.  It kinda of symbolizes me as a young man, it's definitely a young man's car but a young man who has been successful so far in life and I would say I have been because I have made enough money to afford it.  It also is fast without being really a sports car, it's turbo charged and a stick shift which makes it feel super race car like and I love it so much.

The last is actually the shirt I am currently wearing.  It's a Nike pro kind of warm up shirt but with the logo of my favorite football team, The Denver Broncos.  I mean two minutes into interaction with me and you will find out that I am a huge Broncos fan, not only that just sports in general I love.  I wear this shirt every Sunday during football season, not so much for good luck because they have had good and horrible seasons whether or not I wear the jersey but just as a symbol.  You see it and immediately you know oh he's a Broncos fan.  I will sport it whether or not they win or not either, I'm not ashamed in the least and I'm not a band wagoner at all, I have loved them since I was 5 years old.  Seen them win two Super-bowls and also go 4 - 12 and have the second overall pick in the draft.  This shirt is just me explained perfectly, it's sporty and informative at the same time without being too flashy.

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